Sunday, October 11, 2015


Why are we so determined to make ourselves suffer? So often we feel guilty when we do something pleasurable. We feel guilt when we buy ourselves a present, eat our favorite comfort food, or take a day off of work. Why is that? We are allowed to treat ourselves. We are allowed to take care of ourselves. 
As a therapist, so often I tell my clients to take a day off or do something enjoyable for themselves. I tell them to be selfish for at least 5 minutes a day. But was I practicing this? I didn't have TIME to practice it!! Last night, my last client of the night, also one of my most challenging but rewarding clients, called me out. He looked at me point blank and said l, "Natalia, you need a day off. You look like you need a break. When was the last time you took a break?" My first instinct was Wait, what? Whose the therapist here? Then I thought wow, maybe he's right. Maybe he sees in me in my interactions that I need a break. It makes me sad that he saw that in me when i wasn't able to. This whole time I was trying to be there for all my clients and I was giving them my all, I was losing pieces of me in the process. In trying to give it my all, I was actually doing my clients a disservice. I think this happens in other forms of our lives. Those mothers who give all they have to their families and children. Those wives who work full time jobs and still get home to cook and clean. Now don't get me wrong, if you super mommies and super wives and super human beings can manage all of it, then more power to you!!However some of us (ahem, myself) need to stop making that the expectation or the ideal. 
When we are trying to do it all and more, we are more likely to become sad, depressed, anxious, and unhappy. 

You're good where you're at. We are all different, we look different, walk different, like different things. We also handle things differently or are able to manage different levels of stress. THAT'S OKAY!!!!! You are good enough! Be happy with yourself and your life! You deserve that much! That is what my client taught me. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


How do we know when something has ended? Is it when someone says goodbye? Is it when someone stops talking to you? Or is it when it stops hurting? 

Why does it hurt? Why do we continue to care after something has ended?


There are so many things that we avoid. As humans we avoid anything negative, and that includes feelings. We avoid these feelings of hurt, loss, sadness, and instead only allow ourselves to admit the more positive emotions of happy, ecstatic, and pleasant. What we don't realize is that by avoiding those negative emotions, we are prolonging our own pain.
We need to admit to ourselves, "Hey, yeah this hurts. It hurts because it mattered." We need to give that ending, whether its a friend, a job, a relationship, the acknowledgment it deserves. We need to admit to ourselves how much that friend meant, how much you really loved that job, or how much that relationship meant to you. Until we are able to admit this, and admit the emptiness we feel as a result, the pain will continue. 

It's okay to admit how much it mattered. Some think that admitting this makes you weak. I think it makes you so strong. You are so strong to be able to say that after everything that happened, they mattered and you are sad about it. It takes such strength mentally and emotionally to be able to admit that.

If you want to take it a step further and let that person know, that is amazing. Just be sure that you are doing it for you and not to create guilt in that person. Being able to express yourself, without anger, to someone who hurt you shows how much strength you have and how much you value yourself. This is often hard to do because of the response you receive from them. Anger? Understanding? Silence? I think the most painful it silence, at least for me. I was honest, I opened myself up and admitted where things could have been my fault, I even thanked them for having been my friend and all of the memories. It hurts because I do not understand how I could have been so open, and willing to talk things through, with zero response. There was no acknowledgment of what I said. I do find myself wondering "Did I mean so little to you that you don't care or can't be bothered enough to respond?" "Did I believe our friendship to be stronger and closer than it actually was?"

But, I know that  this is not going to get me anywhere. I need to focus on being okay knowing what the friendship meant to ME and how great MY loss is. Because in the end, that is all I have control over, myself and my feelings.

Monday, October 13, 2014

What if.

How do you know when it's time to let go?

When it's been a week? A month? A year? Sure it will be different for everyone, but how do you know that you are supposed to let go? How do you know that God isn't trying to make you realize what you really want and trying to tell you to go for it? How do you know that God isn't telling you that you do need to stop and let go? Which one do you trust? Will you ever know for sure?

There's so many things people tell us to listen to. They say listen to your heart, trust your gut, what does your head tell you. What if each of those is a different answer? Now what? We go back to square one.

Whether you listen to your heart, trust your gut, or follow your head you will alway have a "what if…" Those "what if" moments can make you feel worse than you did the moment it happened.

Why can't we be okay with our answer? Why do we have to second guess or wonder how things could be different? It doesn't matter, not really. You have your answer, and no amount of "What if's" and "Maybe if I would have done this," could change that. Are we wrong to "What if" situations,? Absolutely not. When we "What if" situations, we try to look at what we can do better in the event we are in a similar situation in the future, at least thats what "What if" situations should be for. What is wrong is when we always look at how the situation was our fault and consistently blame ourselves. What is wrong is, for example, when you have a friend hurt you and you "What if" every thing you did to try and find out how it is your fault , what you could have done wrong, how did you offend her, or how you could have prevented it. What is wrong is when you have a guy you like who seemingly liked you back and he starts hitting on another girl when he thinks you're not looking and you "What if I had done this or that, then maybe he would be with me."
Here's a "What if" for you: "What if your friend hurting you, really has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her?" "What if that guy is just a douche?" If we sit here and try to figure out why this happened or why they did that, we are going to drive ourselves crazy. Maybe we will never understand, and that is okay.

Maybe we "What if" because we are always try to find the best in others. That is not a bad thing. We should always try to find the best in others, just make sure you are not finding the worst in yourself in the process.

Maybe we should start trying to find the best/good that we had in those relationships. The great times, memories, and experiences you shared with that friend. The exciting moments and warm and fuzzies that guy made you feel. Hold onto that instead of retracing your steps and blaming yourself. You are amazing and anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Moving On and Growing

I have been working as a full time therapist (yay!). I am a clinician in Triple P, which is an amazing parenting program. However, my last day is Friday. And I start a new full time outpatient therapist job the following Monday. I have not been at my current company for too long, actually it has only been 6 months. It was a very difficult decision for me to decide to leave. If you know me, you know I stick things out. If I make a commitment I will see it out no matter what. However, recently I  have begun realizing that my life is and will only ever be one. I will only live this time and this moment once. Do I want to live these moments somewhere that makes me unhappy and upset? Not really. I have gotten to the point that I can say that I deserve more. I am a great therapist. I love helping people. I love working as a team with other clinicians. I deserve to be at a place that loves their job as much as I do. I also deserve to work somewhere that will treat everyone fairly and where the clinicians respect the company, the government, and their clients. Who will not try to fix something by making up for what the team members are lacking by placing it all on the newest member. You cannot fix a house with a crappy foundation by putting a new roof on it. It just doesn't work that way. I am so thankful for everything I have learned and all of the growth that I have done. I am especially thankful that they have given me the chance to stand up for myself and decide what I want without letting others thoughts and feelings change my decision. I am excited for the new opportunity I am being presented and I am excited to be working with some amazing therapists.

I have had other areas of growth in my life lately. I am not going to go into them, but these last few months have been crazy, amazing, beautiful, difficult, challenging, gratifying, heartbreaking, and butterflies-in-your-stomach inducing. I feel like I am still trying to catch my breath, but I am not complaining. I am so thankful for all of the different opportunities, experiences, and people that I have gotten to meet. Sure it hasn't all been a field of roses, but those difficult times make the great times that much greater.

It is easy to lose yourself in the negative. I did that often. It is a constant process and reminder for myself to look for the good or positive in everything. There is always some positive in any situation if you look hard enough. The positive may not also be in that moment, but that situation may lead to something good.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Long Overdue

Well, it's been a couple of years. Looking back, my last post was June of 2011. It is now July 2013. Since my last post I have applied, been accepted, and graduated from Graduate school with my Masters in Counseling Psychology, emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy. I also begun seeing client's in August of 2012.
Seeing client's has been one of my greatest joys. I believe that when one finds something that they love to do and can do it for a living, it will not feel like a job. I would even venture to say that helping my clients helps me just as much. I feel honored that I can contribute and help others in my community. There. I'm off of my soapbox.

Sugar Coating

Why are we so intent on sugar coating things? Why are we so afraid to tell people the truth? Are we afraid of what others may think of us?
We should stop worrying about how others perceive us and worry instead about ourselves. I would rather have someone tell me the truth, because at least they cared enough to tell me the truth. When we sugar coating things, we are not being truthful with ourselves.
There is also a fine line between not sugar coating things, and just being a plain old bitch. Tread that line carefully.

Monday, June 20, 2011

After work on Saturday

Had to work Saturday, you'd think, Bummer, right? Not so. It was actually a pleasant day. Got to chat with some really great people. After work we decided to take our time walking home. We walked different ways and it took us about 2 hours to get home.
Here are the pictures... enjoy :)
Capel St. Bridge

Christ Church

Christ Church

Dame St.

Beautiful Building on my walk home

Entrance to Dublin Castle

Dublin Castle

Gardens in Dublin Castle/Library