Friday, January 21, 2011

El Castillo ("The Castle")

One morning my aunt decided that we were going to see a touristy thing. I was not so excited, but brought my camera nonetheless. The place is called El Castillo and let me tell you, this place is beyond beautiful. I don't think its possible to take a bad photo there.

We had a tour of the place and the story behind it is sad but its nice to know it was created with love. The father built the house for his daughter. He was the founder of one of the first fabric factories here in Colombia. The castle is a French Gothic Medieval style castle that was built in the 1930's.
Gothic because of the design of the towers and medeival for the oval shape of the doors and windows.

Many of the paintings, furniture, and sculptures were brought to Colombia from Europe (mainly France, but there is also some German and Spanish art pieces). The father and the mother slept in seperate bedrooms that were connected by a single door. In the father's room there was a balcony, romeo and juliet style, that faced the garden.

And the father had a library. One of those cool circular one's that is lined floor to ceiling with books and it had a circular staircase leading to another balcony. I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside or else I would have posted one of that room. I told my aunt that I had always dreamed of a room like that.
The gardens were another piece of art. Like I said, the entire museum was so photographic. So here go all my pictures.

The view of the garden from the entrance to El Castillo

Me at the top of the fountain stairs



The stairs in the courtyard

Me at the beginning of the fountain with a view of Medellin in the background

Steps of El Castillo

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