Well, my title isn't creative or witty, but it's true nonetheless.
I have been extremely lucky this year. I finished college in December and flew to Colombia for Christmas. I'm here until the end of February, then in May I get to go to Ireland for an Internship (!!!!). I am very greatful to my family for giving me the opportunities I have had and for always supporting my decisions.
Back to February (when I get back to the US). You know what bothers me... When people ask when I am comming back. I mean I love that people want to know, but only if they are genuinely interested. I have had people asking me who I havent spoken to in over a month (I mean it is a 3rd world country, but we still have internet, it's just slow) or who I really don't talk to anymore. It's more that I know even when I get back there won't be a "Hey! Welcome back!" For that matter of fact, there won't even be a "Hey!" Whatever, just my rant.
On a side note, I love comma's (,). Don't get annoyed if I over-use them or put them where they aren't necessary :)
I think I'll end this post with a picture of sopmethine I've done in Colombia so far.
This is a "Chiva" the whole family piled onto/in it to look at Christmas lights around the city. Let's just say it's like their version of a party bus. Some Chiva's have dance floors and poles in them so that people can dance. And of course alcohol.
That's the end of my first post. Congrats to me!